Thursday 17 September 2009

Finished (maybe) mice carving

Here is the finished - I think - carving.
It's just had a coat of sand sealer so far but I like the colour.
It took 3 days using my new Axminster multi-tool - the small gouge and router. The rest I did by hand using a rasp and needle files. Hope the theme of mice on a wedge of cheese is obvious - though I did want it to 'grow' out of the wood.
It's not absolutely finished - there are a few small marks which irritate me, but, I reached a point where I felt I had chanced fate enough with some of the fiddly bits.
Feel free to critque, bearing in mind that I'm not a zoologist and this is the first hand to tools since guitar making in the 70s!!
And, yes, they don't have whiskers...

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